Ziroli P40 build

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Rob Crawford
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Re: Ziroli P40 build

Postby Rob Crawford » September 26th, 2016, 1:23 pm

Real tidy building there Frank,Looks like it's almost ready.

frank fearn
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Re: Ziroli P40 build

Postby frank fearn » September 26th, 2016, 4:16 pm

Thanks Rob. Unfortunately for me I have to detail them the best that I can so I'm looking at spring of next year for flying. No doubt you and others are well aware that it takes as much time to finalize them as they do to build.... eh ho,


frank fearn
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Re: Ziroli P40 build

Postby frank fearn » October 8th, 2016, 6:22 pm

A little more progress, all panel lines done and wafted over with silver. I find cleaner rivets are produced when burnt into silver and hold shape better than primer....access panels and riveting next on the agenda.
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frank fearn
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Re: Ziroli P40 build

Postby frank fearn » October 17th, 2016, 5:37 pm

Slightly different way of panelling for me, pleased with it so far, Ali stock laminated then edged with a thin Dremel blade.. :D
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Dave Parry
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Re: Ziroli P40 build

Postby Dave Parry » October 17th, 2016, 7:12 pm

Beautifully done, stunning model Frank.

frank fearn
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Re: Ziroli P40 build

Postby frank fearn » October 25th, 2016, 7:56 pm

Dave Parry wrote:Beautifully done, stunning model Frank.

Thanks Dave,

All was going well until the soldering iron gave up... :oops:
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david clarke
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Re: Ziroli P40 build

Postby david clarke » October 26th, 2016, 8:56 am

Is that the adjustable iron i got you Frank? mine packed up about a month ago :( ,looks stunning though mate.

frank fearn
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Re: Ziroli P40 build

Postby frank fearn » October 26th, 2016, 4:21 pm

Tis indeed Dave.... brought another cheapo but only lasted for 3 sessions.. I can't go any further until I sort one, any recommendations are more than welcome. Mr Clarke's finest Warbird Paint has arrived today so that makes it even worse.. :twisted:


Phil Clark
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Re: Ziroli P40 build

Postby Phil Clark » October 26th, 2016, 7:55 pm

El cheapo irons are my choice Frank.........I don't think irons are really intended to be 'on' for the long periods we use them for when riveting, hence they give up on us. I got through 3 irons doing the Sea Dart!!!!!


John Greenfield
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Re: Ziroli P40 build

Postby John Greenfield » October 27th, 2016, 7:30 am

frank fearn wrote:Slightly different way of panelling for me, pleased with it so far, Ali stock laminated then edged with a thin Dremel blade.. :D

Can you explain in a bit more detail your way of panelling. I am not sure I fully understand from your description.
You have done great work on the model, a credit to your skills.


frank fearn
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Re: Ziroli P40 build

Postby frank fearn » October 27th, 2016, 6:38 pm

Cheapo is the way Phil and its the luck of the draw... I had one that served well for 3 complete large models, but the latest didn't last an hour... good job they are cheap... :lol:

Hi John,

Apologies for the lack of info, I assumed this had all been done before.

In the case of the P40 its simply a case of gluing on lithoplate on top and in front of the canopy and then just scribing and cutting through it to the required panel \ access shape. Care has to be taken not to go too deep and into the glass cloth.

The wing fairings access panels are simply Mick Reeves Metalcote cut to section, stuck on, then very carefully edged with a Dremel cutting blade to give the impression of a recess into which the panel sits. Again, you need a steady hand and ensure the glass is only lightly scored. Once its dirtied up, I think they will look the part.

The panel lines are 1/64 Chartpack from Fighteraces and is done in the usual way, laying on, spraying over, light rub, then remove to leave the desired effect.

Hope this helps a little,
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John Greenfield
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Re: Ziroli P40 build

Postby John Greenfield » October 28th, 2016, 7:03 am

Thanks Frank. All is clear now. Thanks for taking the time to respond.


Bob Thompson1894
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Re: Ziroli P40 build

Postby Bob Thompson1894 » October 29th, 2016, 10:01 am

clever! Thank you for that.

frank fearn
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Re: Ziroli P40 build

Postby frank fearn » October 31st, 2016, 6:47 pm

Very promising after the first session, no effort and produces very clean looking rivets due to the variable temperature. They are designed for long periods of use and are guaranteed for 2 years so we will see how it performs.
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frank fearn
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Re: Ziroli P40 build

Postby frank fearn » December 11th, 2016, 6:50 pm

First homemade baffled silencer for me..... stainless steel flask silver soldered to 25mm wide rectangle section, just the outlets to manufacture once I have some bendy pipe.... :D :D
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frank fearn
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Re: Ziroli P40 build

Postby frank fearn » December 28th, 2016, 5:04 pm

Most jobs now completed, flaps all functional, motor ducted, just the retract doors to fit then she will be sprayed up. The plate under the cowl lip is removable for flight and is ducted direct with fiberglass plates either side of the engine to ensure good cooling.
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John Greenfield
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Re: Ziroli P40 build

Postby John Greenfield » December 30th, 2016, 9:43 am

How is the Dremel soldering iron holding up Frank ?


frank fearn
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Re: Ziroli P40 build

Postby frank fearn » December 30th, 2016, 6:26 pm

Hi John,

Excellent so far, no issue at all. It is very universal and easily copes with long sessions of applying rivets, and being cordless speeds up application time.

I've only done half a model with it but its got a quality feel to it with not a lot to go wrong, but time will tell.

I wish id brought one a long time ago.

frank fearn
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Re: Ziroli P40 build

Postby frank fearn » December 31st, 2016, 9:43 pm

On goes some colour, Warbirds paint through an Iwata airbrush.... delightful work, :D
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David Jones
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Re: Ziroli P40 build

Postby David Jones » January 1st, 2017, 10:58 am

Hi Frank, regarding your rivet detail, the Dremel soldering iron you've used, is it the "versatip" gas torch model? I've seen them advertised at Screwfix for £34.99. I'll want to pick your brains the next time we meet up, but I'd like to know which particular iron you've used. All the best for the new year. Dave (the Dak) Jones.

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