Hi all, have been a long time reader and now a virgin contributor (so be gentle )
With my current project of a 1/4 Stampe coming to a close I am looking into my next project ready for the winter build season, and I have been looking at the Arizona Models Albatross D5 kit, at either 1/4 scale again or 1/3 scale as my first large scale attempt (1/3 is the way I want to go).
I was just wondering if anyone has any experience of their kits? I know there has been a few models on here built from plans but havn't seen any kit builds mentioned. I really just wanted to know about kit quality for the airframe and are their scale detail bits and bobs as good as they say they are?
I am a fairly competent kit builder with a few scale jobs under my belt, so not daunted by a build like this at all, just patience and small steps, and hopefully a finished plane at the end of a couple of years or 10
Look forward to your replies