Tony Nijhuis 1/6 Scale Lancaster

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Craig Green
Posts: 185
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Tony Nijhuis 1/6 Scale Lancaster

Postby Craig Green » November 22nd, 2014, 6:00 pm

Hello LMA
Just new to this website, currently have the 1/6 scale Lancaster kit from SLEC, as well as the plans from Tony. I ordered the kit and had it to my door within 7 days, very impressive and prompt service.
I am trying to dig up some information on the build of this aircraft. I did read the build of this model on here, but am looking for more information.
I just need to be steered in the right direction, if anyone could help me with that it would be appreciated.


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Re: Tony Nijhuis 1/6 Scale Lancaster

Postby DAVE JOHNSON » November 22nd, 2014, 7:36 pm

Hi Craig--welcome to the LMA forum---many of these Lanc kits have been built by members here---I presume you have registered the build with Tony Hooper?? he will allocate an inspector for you near where you live--he will be able to help you---

Craig Green
Posts: 185
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Re: Tony Nijhuis 1/6 Scale Lancaster

Postby Craig Green » November 22nd, 2014, 8:32 pm

Hi Dave
Thanks for the post. I have not linked in with Tony, regarding the build. We do have different regulations here in Canada for aircraft exceeding 35 kg's, and I am sure any information he would have would be of great value.


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Re: Tony Nijhuis 1/6 Scale Lancaster

Postby DAVE JOHNSON » November 22nd, 2014, 8:56 pm

Craig---sorry-I hadn't seen you were from Canada----don't think Tony will have an inspector near you after all !!!!!

Craig Green
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Re: Tony Nijhuis 1/6 Scale Lancaster

Postby Craig Green » December 15th, 2014, 6:04 am

I am looking for some information on the spar assembly within the fuselage of the lancaster using the box that the wing spars slide into.
Looking for some pictures of the setup, as well as the construction of the main mounting box within the fuse.
There is some info on the plans, just looking for someone who has constructed the lancaster using this method, as for the plans.
Any help would be appreciated.


Dean Grobbelaar
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Re: Tony Nijhuis 1/6 Scale Lancaster

Postby Dean Grobbelaar » January 19th, 2015, 2:18 pm

hi Craig

am busy ordering the Lancaster and wanted some info regarding the retracts and tailwheel oloeos and wheels

of course any other item you could suggest that I get to order

what motors did you decide one

any guideline will be much appreciated

many thanks
Dean South Africa

David Brown
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Re: Tony Nijhuis 1/6 Scale Lancaster

Postby David Brown » January 19th, 2015, 4:40 pm

Premier UK do retracts for the Lancaster and are available through Kingfisher Aviation in the UK.

Lanc set.jpg
Lanc set.jpg (78.96 KiB) Viewed 22783 times

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Re: Tony Nijhuis 1/6 Scale Lancaster

Postby Robert_Greenwood » February 4th, 2015, 7:48 am

Nice Kit Craig...

With regards to the center box have a look for my thread....i'm sure its still on here, the center box on mine was built up using the wood supplied by Slec with engine bearer to give it the width. The box had 6 bolts, Epoxy, and was also fiber glassed making it super strong.

Somewhere i have loads and loads of photos, will have a look for you...
Last edited by Robert_Greenwood on October 31st, 2016, 7:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
See the Vulcan
Also see the Lancaster

Craig Green
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Re: Tony Nijhuis 1/6 Scale Lancaster

Postby Craig Green » February 5th, 2015, 5:37 am

Thanks Robert
I looked at your pictures in detail, and the plan, have constructed it, and am also at the stage of sheeting the fuselage.
Your thread was a great guide to get things moving.


Craig Green
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Re: Tony Nijhuis 1/6 Scale Lancaster

Postby Craig Green » February 5th, 2015, 5:39 am

Will try and attach a picture.
Placed on the verticle fins to have a look.

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Craig Green
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Re: Tony Nijhuis 1/6 Scale Lancaster

Postby Craig Green » February 5th, 2015, 10:57 pm

I decided not to build the Dambuster version, and am going with the standard Bombay.
I made modifications to the fuse formers so that it would be done as I assembled the fuselage.
I am also separating my fuse into two parts. Seperation is at F7, just behind the Bombay. I had to make an additional former F7 to support this.

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Craig Green
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Re: Tony Nijhuis 1/6 Scale Lancaster

Postby Craig Green » February 5th, 2015, 11:01 pm

The main spar box was built, nice tight fit for the spar. The spar was built and pinned to ensure it is good and strong.
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Craig Green
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Re: Tony Nijhuis 1/6 Scale Lancaster

Postby Craig Green » February 5th, 2015, 11:05 pm

I spent several hours of measuring, leveling to get it in the correct position. I then cut the ends off to ensure it conformed to the fuse outline, then glued it in place. The sheeting will go right over it. I did want to make sure that it was captured within the 1/8 ply side piece.
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Craig Green
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Re: Tony Nijhuis 1/6 Scale Lancaster

Postby Craig Green » February 5th, 2015, 11:09 pm

As you can see in this picture, with the fuselage upside down, the Bombay is pretty big. Just placed some balsa wood down so you can see how deep it is. The curvature of the doors will also make the Bombay deeper.
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Craig Green
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Re: Tony Nijhuis 1/6 Scale Lancaster

Postby Craig Green » February 6th, 2015, 5:43 am

I have completed quite a bit, since I started a month ago, it's a long project.
Sheeted the bottom of the fuse, built the horizontal stab and mounted it. Using the main spar for all my measurement.
Main Spar inserted and level
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Blind nuts located for horizontal stab mounting
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Mounted using four bolts
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She is a big bird
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Craig Green
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Re: Tony Nijhuis 1/6 Scale Lancaster

Postby Craig Green » February 6th, 2015, 5:54 am

Have been working on the sheeting. Using the longerons for clamping the wood.
Soaked the balsa in hot water for at least and hour, clamped it, let it dry. Made up 18 individual pieces, that will cover the fuselage. Have the rear sheeted, up past the breakdown point.
Clamping the wet balsa using the longerons
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Sheeting the fuselage from rear to front
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Completed sheeting past the breakdown point
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Joined edges need to be smoothed out, a little filler to fill small voids before sanding
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Built the HE 219 Nightfighter, now I need another Lancaster
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stuart knowles 1611
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Re: Tony Nijhuis 1/6 Scale Lancaster

Postby stuart knowles 1611 » February 6th, 2015, 10:47 pm

219 looks great. Following the Lancaster build with interest, Please keep posting

Craig Green
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Re: Tony Nijhuis 1/6 Scale Lancaster

Postby Craig Green » February 7th, 2015, 3:03 am

Thanks Stuart, I will be posting as I go.
Took the plung tonight and cut the fuse in half.
I epoxied some carbon fiber on the two pieces before construction, to aid in strength.
I still need to sand the balsa flush with the former.

join is finally apart
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Tube fits good
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Prepositioned dowel pins for anti rotation
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Holes for dowel pins are lined with aluminum tubing, as well as blind nuts for the securing bolts
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Craig Green
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Re: Tony Nijhuis 1/6 Scale Lancaster

Postby Craig Green » February 9th, 2015, 12:02 am

Still plugging away at shaping the balsa skin, couple more pieces to go.
The centre section where the spar is located will be sheeted after the wing has been constructed. The second (aft spar) still needs a box built for attaching, and will construct that after the wings are done, so I can ensure it is a good fit.

I do hope to finish the majority of the sheeting tonight if all goes well.

Forward sheeting
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Clamping while it dries
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Last couple of pieces
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Craig Green
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Re: Tony Nijhuis 1/6 Scale Lancaster

Postby Craig Green » February 10th, 2015, 5:48 am

Finished the sheeting last night and gave it a good sanding. As well I fitted the fuse together with a mixture of epoxy and micro balloons to fill the space, it now has a tight fit.
I still need to add a couple more attachment bolts.

The centre two sections will be sheeted after the wings are fitted.
Fuse join seam
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Front sheeted and sanded
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Rough sanded
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