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K8b 6mtr self launch

Posted: May 3rd, 2015, 8:39 pm
by Euan Galloway
I have recently added a plug in pylon to my K8b, much modified from the Phoenix artf so I can fly without a tug or big hill :D
Pylon follows all the rules of shedology using parts from the bits box and produces 5000 watts on 12 s lipos using a carbon heli blade for the pylon mount , a cardboard tube for the nacelle and a Mc flurry drink lid at one end and a cut down 4 nch spinner at the other.
The pylon simply bolts in place with a 4 mm bolt through two small doors in the fuselage top.
The K8 has known issues with the inner wing panels and I had to add 4 cyparis spars plus ply shear webs to make them suitable for use ,
She weighs in at 35lbs and flys really well but requires a well planned landing pattern ,
cheers Euan.

Re: K8b 6mtr self launch

Posted: May 24th, 2015, 7:20 pm
by Michael Bacon
I would very much like to see a video of you flying this model if it's convenient for you to do so. What a fantastic looking model. I have plans to do the same thing to a large 6.5 meter PWS-101.

Re: K8b 6mtr self launch

Posted: May 25th, 2015, 10:50 am
by Euan Galloway
Michael , have a look here I have several photos and more information,
sorry but my photos are too big for this forum hence the external link
cheers Euan.