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17' Lancaster Bomber in your bedroom

Posted: March 4th, 2017, 8:21 am
by Robert_Greenwood
Good Morning,

I'm back, with what seems a daunting task! All the way back when i was 23 i started my first ever build of a 17' Lancaster. Before starting this project i had only ever built a Tutor 40 ARTF.

With the help and support from the LMA and in particular Dave Johnson's phone calls of "Stop being soft and get it done :lol: " i ended up with a flying Lancaster which I hope a few of you managed to see.

I must add it wouldn't of been possible without my late good friend Dave Bailey, many a day he would drive all the way up to see me and we would spend hours getting the engines to run together! I hope he is going to look over me this time! ;)

The problem with my last Lancaster was that i had to take the bedroom door off to get it out of the room :roll: , the Fuselage had a home on the stairs and the wings were just too big to get up stairs. This time we are going to split it up :)

Iv'e already been asked why build another Lancaster?

1.Why not? :)
2. loved building the last one from the ground up
3. The presence in the air was fantastic
4. No one in my family got to see the last one fly
5. Just love seeing the Lancaster, and remembering what 617 squadron did for us all!

Watching Craig from Canada build his has also made me see where i went wrong, see where i can improve on the build.

I will upload some photos soon of the new build, its taking shape! Hope to see you all soon.

Here is my inspiration from my last model.


Re: 17' Lancaster Bomber in your bedroom

Posted: March 4th, 2017, 9:06 am
by Alan Cantwell 1131
What happened to the first one?

Re: 17' Lancaster Bomber in your bedroom

Posted: March 5th, 2017, 1:32 am
by Robert_Greenwood
The first one was sold, not being able to be split and Girlfriend trouble caused me to sell it to a guy in Malta.

So I'm told it's still flying out there! :)

Re: 17' Lancaster Bomber in your bedroom

Posted: March 5th, 2017, 11:03 pm
by Nick Reeves 3055
following this with great interest rob! i followed your first build and the lanc is one model that i want to build at some point

Re: 17' Lancaster Bomber in your bedroom

Posted: March 6th, 2017, 5:39 am
by Craig Green
Hello Robert, glad to see you have another one on the bench. I am sure it will be just as great as your last.
Look forward to your posts as you proceed with another one.


Re: 17' Lancaster Bomber in your bedroom

Posted: March 6th, 2017, 4:52 pm
by Robert_Greenwood
Here we go, this time i am going to build each item up as far as i can.

Day one was to enlarge the drawing up to full size 17'. This was completed by ENGGraphics in Wigan local to me, very hand service!!

I first started with the Tail and Elevator, as you can see i have made quite a lot of progress.

:) Please be gentle , i haven't built in a while...

Re: 17' Lancaster Bomber in your bedroom

Posted: March 6th, 2017, 4:54 pm
by Robert_Greenwood
More photos

Re: 17' Lancaster Bomber in your bedroom

Posted: March 6th, 2017, 5:19 pm
by Robert_Greenwood
Final Finished tail..

Re: 17' Lancaster Bomber in your bedroom

Posted: March 6th, 2017, 5:22 pm
by Jason Griffiths
Hello - I was another person who followed your other build with lot's of interest, so all the best with this 1, and again i will be pleased to follow you again .... GOOD LUCK 8-)

Re: 17' Lancaster Bomber in your bedroom

Posted: March 7th, 2017, 8:15 am
by Robert_Greenwood
You sure was Jason! I need all the support i can to get her completed! This one will be much better, more detailed, i will be splitting the body in two and the wings in two.

I am currently working on the Body of the Lancaster, will add some photos (hopefully the right way around) soon.

Cheers :)


Re: 17' Lancaster Bomber in your bedroom

Posted: March 7th, 2017, 8:32 am
by Steve Vodrey
Hi Robert.
I followed your last build with interest. I'm just in the process of finishing off a Lancaster and just reaching the painting stage.
I will be at Haddock Park with it on 19th. Drop in if you are up there.


Re: 17' Lancaster Bomber in your bedroom

Posted: March 7th, 2017, 8:35 am
by Robert_Greenwood
Morning Steve, yes i will be at Haydock park, i will be over to see you and to get some photos, I wish mine was at the painting stage... :)

Have you managed to fly yours yet?

Re: 17' Lancaster Bomber in your bedroom

Posted: March 7th, 2017, 2:34 pm
by Steve Vodrey
Hi Robert.
I read with interest that you flew your first Lanc in Primer. Seems a sensible option to me. I just finished off the glass cloth on mine yesterday. Lots to do but I hope to have it in primer and ready to test fly soon. Just back from test flying engine number three around in my trusty flying test bed. One to go...

Re: 17' Lancaster Bomber in your bedroom

Posted: March 7th, 2017, 3:41 pm
by Robert_Greenwood
Yes, i don't know if i regret that now,

The problem for me was i spent ages getting her ready to fly, Servo install, Engine install etc. Once the 6 flights had been completed i then didn't have the heart to take her to bits so i could paint her.

This time i am definitely going to paint before i fly then its done and i can enjoy flying it. :) Can't wait to see yours next weekend.

Have you gone for new engines?

Re: 17' Lancaster Bomber in your bedroom

Posted: March 9th, 2017, 1:46 pm
by Steve Vodrey
Hi Robert.
Yes, I got new Zenoah 38's for it and have almost finished giving them 90 minutes each. Not convinced they needed running in but I did it anyway as the two Zenoah 26's on the Wellington misbehaved to start with.

I agree with your sentiments about painting the airframe before flying and have decided to paint at least the base colours before I put it together leaving the finishing off until after. The rubbing down of the pond sealer between coats is taking ages. Will be bringing it to Haydock Park in primer...

Re: 17' Lancaster Bomber in your bedroom

Posted: March 9th, 2017, 5:36 pm
by Craig Green

Wow you are just flying through that tail section, well done, looks good.
I like you reference photos, keep up the great work, before you know it you will pass me.
