Dear all. I have rather rashly decided to build myself a 1/4 scale Mitsubishi A5M4 Claude over the winter and hopefully get it flying before the end of next summer (fat chance). I have been thinking about producing a 2 part fuse with the separation line a little aft of the main wing.
I am thinking about using 4 wing tubes and sockets of around 10mm diameter spaced equidistantly around the periphary of the fuse formers. Do you think they would be better spaced at 12,3,6 and 9 o'clock or at 1.30, 4.30, 7.30 and 10.30. The later will probably work better as it will interfere less with the wing saddle. Phil sells 10mm ally tube + phenolic socket in 500mm length which could give upto 250mm in each fuse half with the socket passing through 4 formers in each half if their spacing is 80-odd mm. Alternatively I could buy some carbon tube and lay up my own tubes from glass cloth. Does this sound feasable, bonkers, overkill?
Many thanks, Rob