Articles By John Newberry. Journals around 1993?

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stuart knowles 1611
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Articles By John Newberry. Journals around 1993?

Postby stuart knowles 1611 » January 18th, 2012, 8:45 pm

Hi All.

Has anyone out there still got their LMA journals from the early 90's? I am looking for a copy of the articles written by (I think) John Newberry and which were all about the use of card as a modelling material. I don't have a date but my own journals start around 1995 so they must pre-date that. As I recall there may have been two or three different articles, one was to do with work for Jeremy Shaw, one was something about a Beverley and there may have been a general 'how to'

As a minimum I would like to know what was the specification of the card used, Carton Board - but what weight?? Even better would be a scan of the relevant pages or a photocopy.

Many thanks,

Stu Knowles

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Dave Parry
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Re: Articles By John Newberry. Journals around 1993?

Postby Dave Parry » January 19th, 2012, 7:56 am

Hi Stuart, that would be an interesting article to run again if anybody has these copies, I know Jeremy put out an appeal for early Journals a while back and he did have some success but how far back he got I don’t know. I will watch with interest on this one, fingers crossed for you, hope someone can help.

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John Evans
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Re: Articles By John Newberry. Journals around 1993?

Postby John Evans » January 19th, 2012, 9:38 am

HI Stuart
All the information I am sure can be provided by Mr Andrew Taylor ( ex Archive ).
Andrew is a good friend of John and as built a number of models by this method.
John Evans 1915

stuart knowles 1611
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Re: Articles By John Newberry. Journals around 1993?

Postby stuart knowles 1611 » January 20th, 2012, 2:04 pm

Thanks John, I'll give Andrew Taylor a call.

I'm sure that a reprint would be of interest. I much enjoyed the recent article about making a biggish twin, largely from foam. It seems to me that the trade is actively pushing the hobby / sport toward all ARTF and that the LMA should do all that it can to encourage innovation, alternative methods and practice.

As for John Newberry's methods, I read of his ideas in the journal at about th time that I joined the LMA, The back issues were borrowed from another LMA member and returned after being read. At about the same time, I called to see John and spent a pleasant and informative hour or two in his shed, being shown the ropes, and left with a couple of sheets of the card to try. They have been in my loft for 15 or so years (it takes me a while to catch up!) but I have recently used then to skin a set of foam cores. I am really impressed with the result and want to learn more.

If I do get my hands on a copy of the information, I'll forward a copy to you.
Stu Knowles.

James Ladell
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Re: Articles By John Newberry. Journals around 1993?

Postby James Ladell » January 25th, 2012, 10:46 pm

I have the journals your looking for had a quick look to night and have from no10 to 75, easily at hand so will have 1993 in their some where.
Send me an e-mail and I will endeavor to help you out

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Re: Articles By John Newberry. Journals around 1993?

Postby DAVE JOHNSON » January 26th, 2012, 8:44 am

James--if you find the journalbefore our meeting at Rougham today,bring it along,i will take it for Stu,i am due to go to Doncaster for a meet next week and can take for him---se you late--DAVE

stuart knowles 1611
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Re: Articles By John Newberry. Journals around 1993?

Postby stuart knowles 1611 » January 26th, 2012, 10:58 pm

Hi Dave,
Thanks for the offer of help. James, If you send te journal I will assure you that it will come back to you but a photocopy or scan would do,

Dave, send me a pm when you out this way, I'll meet you (at the home of H / Page?)
stu K

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Re: Articles By John Newberry. Journals around 1993?

Postby DAVE JOHNSON » January 27th, 2012, 8:47 am

Stuart--that was my plan to meet you at Doncaster next Friday,but unfortunatley James didnt see the posting beforee we met at Rougham yesterday---i am sure he will sort it for you----see you at the home of H/P next week--DAVE

stuart knowles 1611
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Re: Articles By John Newberry. Journals around 1993?

Postby stuart knowles 1611 » January 27th, 2012, 9:44 am

No problem, See you next week.

stu k

Mike Booth
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Re: Articles By John Newberry. Journals around 1993?

Postby Mike Booth » January 28th, 2012, 12:59 am

Hi the card you refer to in regard to Jeremy Shaw is foam board available from good art material shops.
Jeremy used it extensively in his designs for formers. It is super light, stiff and very easy to work with. Sheets are white card with foam core. Good for formers or ribs but offers nothing for structural strength or load bearing apps.
Excellent for quick template making with scalpel.

stuart knowles 1611
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Re: Articles By John Newberry. Journals around 1993?

Postby stuart knowles 1611 » January 28th, 2012, 11:03 am

Hello Mike,

Thanks for the info. I haven't used foamboard yet, although I did pick some up a couple of weeks ago. As you say it will be OK for none structural stuff.

However, the stuff that is proving more difficult to track down is the card that he used for the outer skin. It's called carton board, much the same as your Kellogs packet, shiny finish on one side and matt natural card on the other. Since starting this thread I have been told that '500 Micron' is also part of the spec, although it seems that Grams per Square Metre is the more modern tern to differential this material. From Mr Google, it seems that 300 to 350gsm is probably about right.

Although I haven't built one, I also believe that the Cab Richardson Regal Eagle was also built using this material as a stressed skin.

I spoke to John Newberry, sometime early / mid 90's and took a look at what he was doing. He had a stock of card sheets that were approx 1metre by 1.5 metres and its this stuff that I am trying to track down. I looked extensively on the web and found very little so if there is anyone out there who works in wholesale supply if this material, or anything like it, I wouod really like to hear from you.

Stu K

Mike Booth
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Re: Articles By John Newberry. Journals around 1993?

Postby Mike Booth » January 28th, 2012, 3:52 pm

Stu that very card is available in my local art shop. I'm using grey 'carton card' about 2mm right now to weir up some fullsize glider wingtips I am moulding.

Chris Lane
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Re: Articles By John Newberry. Journals around 1993?

Postby Chris Lane » January 28th, 2012, 5:14 pm

See also Bristol board. Chris

stuart knowles 1611
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Re: Articles By John Newberry. Journals around 1993?

Postby stuart knowles 1611 » January 28th, 2012, 7:32 pm

Thanks Gents, the term Bristol Board could be the missing link??

What is the largest size that any of you have seen??

stu k

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