Postby stuart knowles 1611 » January 28th, 2012, 11:03 am
Hello Mike,
Thanks for the info. I haven't used foamboard yet, although I did pick some up a couple of weeks ago. As you say it will be OK for none structural stuff.
However, the stuff that is proving more difficult to track down is the card that he used for the outer skin. It's called carton board, much the same as your Kellogs packet, shiny finish on one side and matt natural card on the other. Since starting this thread I have been told that '500 Micron' is also part of the spec, although it seems that Grams per Square Metre is the more modern tern to differential this material. From Mr Google, it seems that 300 to 350gsm is probably about right.
Although I haven't built one, I also believe that the Cab Richardson Regal Eagle was also built using this material as a stressed skin.
I spoke to John Newberry, sometime early / mid 90's and took a look at what he was doing. He had a stock of card sheets that were approx 1metre by 1.5 metres and its this stuff that I am trying to track down. I looked extensively on the web and found very little so if there is anyone out there who works in wholesale supply if this material, or anything like it, I wouod really like to hear from you.
Stu K