Instrument panel 1/4 scale mew gull

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Instrument panel 1/4 scale mew gull

Postby KEITH POULTON » February 18th, 2009, 8:10 pm

Can anybody suggest were I may obtain layout and type of insruments that may have been used in a Mew Gulls panel, preferably before Henshaws mods , ie as origanal. (1/4 scale) also were could get a pilot figure, Thanks.

Chris Lane
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Re: Instrument panel 1/4 scale mew gull

Postby Chris Lane » February 18th, 2009, 9:07 pm

Keith, this from the RAF Museum 'virtual tour' of their Mew Gull cockit - if this is the version you want try a look there.

Chris Lane 2938

Rob Cavell 529
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Re: Instrument panel 1/4 scale mew gull

Postby Rob Cavell 529 » February 23rd, 2009, 9:18 pm

Try Inzpan they do all types of instruments, panels & pilots here is a link to the website:

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