So this winters project has been this cub.
I got it from Idigbo last August while meeting up for our Germany Trip. It was a project that Ian had bought to do himself , but it found a new home with me and seeing theres another one lurking in his shed then that all worked out very well, so back to Pixie land it came. The nice bit is its a Civilian L4 so it makes it a little bit different and it ain't YELLOW. I did fancy a Military jobster but now I think i prefer this for a change.
The basic structure was fairly good apart from some issues with the fuz in the sense that when Ian had stripped the fuz the window glazing was holding the front end together and there was some some untidy building which bugged me. It came engine less but with some 1/4 scale servos fitted. The flying surfaces were fine.
I wanted to use this model as a general everyday flyer but also as a glider tug to tow up some old school gliders, the latest being a 1/4 scale Wien I bought, so the power plant was to be a Zenoha 80 twin on a Toni Clark 2-1 tuned exhaust system, also this will go a long way to reducing the noise.
So in the following months the rework on the airframe was done, tow release fitted, reinforcing at the front end to spread the load of the engine ,new tank and Servo mounts fitted, new Push rod assembly for the elevator ,new opening doors, sliding window added plus loads of small bits and a tone of sanding.
I recovered it in Solartex, added all the reinforcing/ wear tapes, new windows, a ton of new litho work and finally a nice new coat of paint. I mixed the colour myself from a couple of tins of blue and a tin of white to match the fullsize best I could. Nigel from Flightline did the Masks and the Cub logo waterslides. Top man as ever.
So now I have the cowl to finish up, a few more bits of litho on the glazing and some cockpit bits to add. Couple of weeks should see it done.
So a big thanks to Ian for passing it onto me in the first place :af (though the wife dose not see it that way :'') Now if you could magic me up somewhere to put it that would be ace.
And here is the real thing.
I will add some more when its in its finished state.