Fuel Tanks?

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sean smith
Posts: 210
Joined: December 19th, 2008, 2:25 pm

Fuel Tanks?

Postby sean smith » March 29th, 2013, 4:41 pm

Can anyone recommend a fuel tank size for a DLE 55RA? I'm thinking a round 24oz?


Cary Bailey
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Re: Fuel Tanks?

Postby Cary Bailey » March 29th, 2013, 6:02 pm

Sean, depends on how long you want to fly? I'm using a 32oz tank on my 3W 55i so that I can get a good 15 minute flight.

sean smith
Posts: 210
Joined: December 19th, 2008, 2:25 pm

Re: Fuel Tanks?

Postby sean smith » March 29th, 2013, 6:23 pm

I'm looking at about ten minutes or so with a small reserve, don't think i could get a 32oz tank in my Mossie wing.


Phil Clark
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Re: Fuel Tanks?

Postby Phil Clark » March 30th, 2013, 12:51 pm

If you're struggling for space sean, why not looking at making composite tanks to whatever shape/volume you need to fit the space available........surprising what you can fit in even the tighterst of spaces.


sean smith
Posts: 210
Joined: December 19th, 2008, 2:25 pm

Re: Fuel Tanks?

Postby sean smith » March 30th, 2013, 5:46 pm

Hi Phil,
I have no idea how you go about making composite tanks, i'll have to look into it.


Phil Clark
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Re: Fuel Tanks?

Postby Phil Clark » April 1st, 2013, 9:38 am

Shape a piece of blue foam to fit the space you have.......cover this in solarfilm/profilm

Find a short piece of brass tube that fits tightly inside the neck of a regular plastic tank (if you can't, use an undersize piece and wrap it in PVC insulating tape until it's the right diameter)

Push this into the foam tank (after removing a disc of film) at the position you want the neck opening

Give the tank & brass tube a couple of coats of release wax

Create a fillet of carbon tows around the brass tube to form a stuff neck to accept the rubber bung.

Cover the tank in 2-3 layers of approx 150g glass and epoxy resin making sure you cover over the carbon tows as well to tie the carbon tows nicely into the main tank body.

Once cured, cut the tank in half width ways on a band saw and remove the film covered foam (the waxed film should release easily once the bulk of the foam is hacked out with a small chisel)

Clean the inside with acetone to remove all traces of release wax

Tack the 2 halves back together with cyano and wrap a layer or 2 of 2" wing joining bandage around the join with epoxy resin. Make sure the outside of the tank is well keyed around the join.

Fit the usual rubber bung & tank fitting and pressure test under water.........the main culpret for leaks is glass that's not fully wetted out.......if you get this, just patch it with another later of resin heavy glass, or alternatively, give the whole thing a coat of 2 of resin once the main glass has cured.

.........job done

Here's one I made for my 1/5 Wildcat......32oz but very wide but short to fit the space behind the firewall but infront of the retracts.

Wildcat_03.jpg (52.49 KiB) Viewed 6562 times

sean smith
Posts: 210
Joined: December 19th, 2008, 2:25 pm

Re: Fuel Tanks?

Postby sean smith » April 3rd, 2013, 7:35 am

Thanks for the instructions/photo Phil, i'll give it ago and see how it goes.


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