Hi,im about to start a full make over of a very well known Miester Corsair. Yes its Ken Bones old girl,and a happy guy I am.
The Plan--- The fuselage and middle wing section will be stripped ,repaired and re-glassed using lightweight glass cloth and ZPOXY.
Mains and tailwheel doors will be produced and fitted.The cowl needs a good sort out with some detail applied.
The retracts will be remooved and refurbed with the help of Alec and Alan Griffiths..(CESTRIAN)
Help? I like to do a little research before i start this project. I could do with a good 3 view drawing showing HATCHES,PANEL LINES and FULL RIVET DETAIL.
Which colour scheme?? Can anyone recommend a tasty colour scheme that will do this warbird JUSTICE?
How many flights has the corsair had? (approx) What year did Ken build and test fly her? What location was the test flight??? Any early pictures would be good.
Any help on these many questions greatly appreciated. Regards Ozy