which engine for dh beaver

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richard armstrong
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which engine for dh beaver

Postby richard armstrong » November 6th, 2013, 1:09 pm

hi all

can i ask advice on which engine to purchase for the dh beaver, it had orginally a z52 in tti and was underpowered

i want to us a 3 blade prop and spinner as well? and swap to pitts muffler

http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/stor ... 00rpm.html

http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/stor ... 00RPM.html

http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/stor ... ition.html

http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/stor ... 8_2HP.html

i also want to add on onboard starter kit at a later date

Richard "the rocket" Armstrong

"Fly me to the moon" then crash and burn BABY!

ian redshaw
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Re: which engine for dh beaver

Postby ian redshaw » November 6th, 2013, 5:03 pm

Richard, how big is your Beaver and what is its weight?


richard armstrong
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Re: which engine for dh beaver

Postby richard armstrong » November 6th, 2013, 6:40 pm

1/3 scale the ones dave johnson has just sold me but yet to pay for

Richard "the rocket" Armstrong

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Re: which engine for dh beaver

Postby DAVE JOHNSON » November 6th, 2013, 8:22 pm

Richar--before you carry on looking for any of these motors----a good old cheap Zenoah 62 will power the Beaver for any manoeuvre that you are likely to do with it !!!

ian redshaw
Posts: 217
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Re: which engine for dh beaver

Postby ian redshaw » November 6th, 2013, 10:59 pm

Is Alfs old Beaver really 1/3 scale, that'd make it 16 foot span? 1/4 scale is a 12 footer.

I agree with Dave, if a Z62 did the job then, it'll do the job now.


richard armstrong
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Re: which engine for dh beaver

Postby richard armstrong » November 7th, 2013, 12:02 am


i will not be flying it to start with not till i gain a shed load of hours on my wot4 xl 26cc

z62 would be a great start point all i have to do is find a used one but i was looking at the 80cc, as a back up option, just in case i could not find a z62 or larger and for 200 notes i can get on 80cc engine, unless a z62 or larger is up for sale, ??????

as dave clearly stated that it was underpowered with z62

i asked the question for this as i know the z62 is heavy compare to a hk engine

but i will have to do more looking around before i jump in, i have priority to pay for the beaver first as i want this back in the air for kirkby 2014
Richard "the rocket" Armstrong

"Fly me to the moon" then crash and burn BABY!

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paul needham
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Re: which engine for dh beaver

Postby paul needham » January 4th, 2014, 7:07 am

Put a zenoah in it for a start, it will save you having to put one in after trying the others and cheaper in the long run as you'll still have to buy one in the end.

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