DC 3 Dakota

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ian redshaw
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Re: DC 3 Dakota

Postby ian redshaw » February 25th, 2014, 8:15 pm

This is looking great Dave, you've got to be pleased with that!!?? Are you going for any weathering with this one, it'll really bring out the details you've painstakingly added.


David Jones
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Re: DC 3 Dakota

Postby David Jones » February 25th, 2014, 8:22 pm

I've decided that I'll spray a coat of laquer on the model before It's dirtied up and weathered. I don't want to risk spoiling a reasonably good job now, the white areas are already starting to attract dirt as it is. I don't want them pristine, but I don't want them too dirty. I've read an artical where the writer mentions "highlighting" the panel lines by running a pencil down them. I've done this, but I'm not sure if it makes the model look a bit toy like. We'll have a scrum down before we put some laquer on at weekend, it's only pencil and will come off easy enough if we decide it doesn't look right.

That's it for now, the next photos should be of the model fully assembled and ready for a couple of test flights before the show season.....here's hoping. Jonesey.
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David Jones
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Re: DC 3 Dakota

Postby David Jones » February 25th, 2014, 8:25 pm

Thanks for your kind comments Ian, it's funny you should mention that, we're hoping to pick your brains at weekend if you are up in this neck of the woods. Hope to see you then. Jonesey.

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Re: DC 3 Dakota

Postby DAVE JOHNSON » February 25th, 2014, 8:43 pm

Come on Dave---get it weathered an proofed---the lovely runways at Woodford are awaiting you !!!!!

It looks fantastic---don't ruin it now with too much detail----DAVE

ian redshaw
Posts: 217
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Re: DC 3 Dakota

Postby ian redshaw » February 25th, 2014, 8:46 pm

It looks fantastic---don't ruin it now with too much detail----DAVE

WHAT?? RUIN it with TOO MUCH detail!!! Is that even possible!!?? :o :D


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Re: DC 3 Dakota

Postby DAVE JOHNSON » February 25th, 2014, 8:56 pm

Ian---Dave is a perfectionist,so whatever he decides will be right---I last saw it in Primer and it looked lovely then,cant wait to see it in the flesh now !!!

chris willis
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Re: DC 3 Dakota

Postby chris willis » February 25th, 2014, 9:45 pm

Gonna be a big D-Day year, looking forward to all these stripey models :)

Alan Cantwell 1131
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Re: DC 3 Dakota

Postby Alan Cantwell 1131 » February 25th, 2014, 10:26 pm

Ive known Dave for many years, and i am very proud to, to be honest, i did not know he had the level of skill, he is full of surprises,

Phil Clark
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Re: DC 3 Dakota

Postby Phil Clark » February 25th, 2014, 10:36 pm

Lookin good Dave................

Little tip to prevent paint masks bleeding. Once the mask is in place, if for example you are applying the yellow serial number over the O/D, blow in the edges of the mask with the O/D base colour first and let this dry. This will seal the edge of the mask, but if any paint does bleed, it'll be invisible as it'll be O/D bleeding over O/D. Once the blown in edges are dry and the mask edges sealed, the yellow can then be applied without fear of yellow bleeding over the O/D. The same technique works on any mask as long as you blown in the base colour first.


David Jones
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Re: DC 3 Dakota

Postby David Jones » February 26th, 2014, 11:31 am

Thanks for that Phil, I knew I was missing a trick somewhere. I'll certainly remember that for the next project, espescially now I'm confident with making up my own masks. The next hurdle will be the dirtying up process, I know you and others have explained to me what to do but I think our team will need to see it done in the flesh again before we attempt it on the model. We are too far down the line now to mess it up. On a positive note, the dirtying up process is not as important as getting the model back in the air, if we don't do that soon I think Dave Johnson will blow a gasket. Jonesey.

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Re: DC 3 Dakota

Postby DAVE JOHNSON » February 26th, 2014, 1:41 pm

Good man Dave--now you are talking---you know it makes sense

Wayne Butler
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Re: DC 3 Dakota

Postby Wayne Butler » February 26th, 2014, 2:12 pm

Nice one Dave I have been watching the build of your DC3 now for a while...Interesting that you chose the same scheme squadron as I did when I did a makeover on my YT DC-3 last year...Mine is no where near as big as yours ...maybe one day I'll get round to it...

I chose that particular aircraft because it was the aircraft that took Easy company from Band of Brothers into Normandy on D-Day. I've attached some pics of the aircraft taken at Uppotery in June 1944 and a couple of pics of my finished C-47.

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David Jones
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Re: DC 3 Dakota

Postby David Jones » February 26th, 2014, 3:34 pm

That looks like a nice model you've got there Wayne. My intention from the outset was to base my model on L4 as Band of Brothers is my all time favourite. The only problem I had was, in the video's, the aircraft were brown and I wanted green. After some discussion on this forum green won the argument and I'm a happy chappy.

Wayne Butler
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Re: DC 3 Dakota

Postby Wayne Butler » February 27th, 2014, 9:38 pm

Brown? strange non of the vids I have seen of Band of Brothers were the C-47's brown... The way the programme was shot dulls a lot of the colours to give it more atmosphere and realism and by the time the Olive Drab had faded and dirtied up it could maybe would have looked brownish..Thats one thing with these they were very very dirty and the stripes...well if you want to be authentic they were rough... I've attached some more real pics showing they were usually painted free hand.. in fact I read somewhere that some planes took off with the paint still wet :o
I did toy with the idea of doing mine like that but fell into the modern exact stripes as most people will just think ..." ha he can't paint stripes"
After talking to an old RAF loadmaster once I also found out what all that sacking was round the door...and hinges.. It was to stop the rip cords from the shoots getting cut and entangled in the door hinges before they opened the shutes.

I would put an all over wash on her first to get a dirty base to work with.... that I find gets dirt into those little cracks be careful with pencil as it tends to shine I would go for a soft charcoal pencil. The advantage I find with that is it will rub off and you can even just wet it to get rid of all together...look fwd to seeing it weathered !..Will she be at any shows this year?

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David Jones
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Re: DC 3 Dakota

Postby David Jones » February 28th, 2014, 10:46 am

I always thought they were olive drab green, but was confused by the video, (checked again last night and they still look brown, it might be my eyes). I know what you mean about the rough invasion stripes, I'm reliably informed they used yard brushes to paint them, but it wouldn't look right on the model and, in any case, all the restored full size are very neat and tidy.

That could be my "cowards" way out by claiming it's a refurbished original and that's why it's so clean! I've tried a thin wash of enamel on a test piece and wasn't really happy and also a thin wash of water based poster paint, at least that washes off easily. If I get anything near the white it will not be removeable so that's why we're going to laquer it first and then take it from there.

As far as shows are concerned, the model is booked in for East Kirkby, Cosford and Elvington.

Mike Booth
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Re: DC 3 Dakota

Postby Mike Booth » March 1st, 2014, 9:16 am

chris willis wrote:Gonna be a big D-Day year, looking forward to all these stripey models :)

Looks great David.
Chris, seagulls fly at night ;)

David Jones
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Re: DC 3 Dakota

Postby David Jones » March 8th, 2014, 8:04 pm

We got the model down to the unit today to see it fully assembled for the first time since the paint job. We made sure the balance was correct, especially now there is a 12volt battery in for the landing / cockpit lights. We ran the engines up and gave them a little tweek to make sure they were running in sync, checked all the control surface movements and that was it. The only thing to do then was take a couple of photos. Weather permitting, she will fly tomorrow and, hopefully, I'll have some more decent pictures to post. If all goes well the next stop will be East Kirkby ( I hope it's warmer then than it was today). Jonesey.
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Alan Cantwell 1131
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Re: DC 3 Dakota

Postby Alan Cantwell 1131 » March 8th, 2014, 9:23 pm

Look forward to Woodford tomoz Dave she looks superb, going to be a busy day lot of multis, jets and prop for test flying, going to be BRILL,

David Brown
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Re: DC 3 Dakota

Postby David Brown » March 9th, 2014, 6:55 am

Looks great Dave, its giving me the inspiration to finish the repair on mine.


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Dave Parry
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Re: DC 3 Dakota

Postby Dave Parry » March 10th, 2014, 10:40 pm

Well the DAK had a test flight or two yesterday at Woodford. Video of the event is on our FaceBook page. https://www.facebook.com/LargeModelAssociation
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Well done Dave and crew.

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