Brown? strange non of the vids I have seen of Band of Brothers were the C-47's brown... The way the programme was shot dulls a lot of the colours to give it more atmosphere and realism and by the time the Olive Drab had faded and dirtied up it could maybe would have looked brownish..Thats one thing with these they were very very dirty and the stripes...well if you want to be authentic they were rough... I've attached some more real pics showing they were usually painted free hand.. in fact I read somewhere that some planes took off with the paint still wet

I did toy with the idea of doing mine like that but fell into the modern exact stripes as most people will just think ..." ha he can't paint stripes"
After talking to an old RAF loadmaster once I also found out what all that sacking was round the door...and hinges.. It was to stop the rip cords from the shoots getting cut and entangled in the door hinges before they opened the shutes.
I would put an all over wash on her first to get a dirty base to work with.... that I find gets dirt into those little cracks be careful with pencil as it tends to shine I would go for a soft charcoal pencil. The advantage I find with that is it will rub off and you can even just wet it to get rid of all together...look fwd to seeing it weathered !..Will she be at any shows this year?

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