Postby MalcolmDouglasPorter » December 1st, 2014, 4:43 pm
I am quite happy with yesterdays effort. I removed the clamps and did the clean up this morning, the wing mount box is in its correct position, and lines up nicely with all the others on the 'stack'!
As you can see from the photo, I have also made an aerofoil pattern for the main part of the inner wing. (The outer wing has dihedral and will have the required washout built in). This pattern can be used to reproduce all the aerofoils for this part of the wing. There is a horizontal and vertical datum that you can see. These remain constant except that the vertical datum moves gradually backwards as the size reduces to keep the C of G in the right place along the wing. The shape of the wing is a bit like a French Curve, you just need to work out the length, height and the relative positions of the leading and trailing edges of each aerofoil frame in relation to the datum. The flaps are just two straight lines, so very easy to determine. The difficult part of the flaps are the curves at the front, these reduce as they go further out along the wing, and a bit of trial and error is going to be needed to get this right. I don't have a CAD, and if I did , I wouldn't know how to use it!
This pattern is made from some scrap packaging ply that I got for free at the builders merchants. It is no good for the model itself, but better for patterns than using otherwise good materials. As the band saw is out of action, I had to make this pattern the old fashioned way.
The outer wing portion will have a separate pattern.
Christmas is on the way and all that goes with that, and I need some more materials. These materials will have to wait till it's all over. I did say in an earlier comment that I would be using balsa for the remaining frames, I rather think that 1/8 inch lite ply will be better, and use balsa for the skin as originally planned.
There are a few important things still to do on this mid section before I can even think about assembly, and are mostly related to the undercarriage. I will need to spend a few days at the drawing board to get it all worked out properly. The various conversations I have had about this in the last couple of weeks leaves me in no doubt that this aspect must be absolutely right! It's got something to do with "heavy landings"?
- Aerofoil pattern.
- PC010015.JPG (157.85 KiB) Viewed 9209 times