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richard armstrong
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Re: flapservos

Postby richard armstrong » January 29th, 2015, 7:29 pm

DAVE JOHNSON wrote:Hi Richard---I don't want to dampen your enthusiasm on the Beaver---but have noticed you havn't registered with Tony Hooper ?? its an over 20kg project so you need to speak with Tony and get it sorted ----see you soon---DAVE

come to think of it no not registered with tony as i had planned the referb first, then get it inspected, but on that note, i better get this done soooooon
Richard "the rocket" Armstrong

"Fly me to the moon" then crash and burn BABY!

paul hughes
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Re: flapservos

Postby paul hughes » January 29th, 2015, 8:45 pm

Earlier in this thread Rick mentioned he had not passed his LMA proficiency test yet. Am I right in saying, if he wishes his beaver to be displayed in public, he will have to get someone to do it for him as he is not qualified. Is it that person who will be named on the exemption certificate. I have had some interesting experiences with a beaver, would you like me to try and fly yours?

Bob Thompson1894
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Re: flapservos

Postby Bob Thompson1894 » January 29th, 2015, 9:06 pm

Interesting experiences with a beaver? Thats what married life does to you, Paul.

richard armstrong
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Re: flapservos

Postby richard armstrong » January 29th, 2015, 11:09 pm

paul hughes wrote:Earlier in this thread Rick mentioned he had not passed his LMA proficiency test yet. Am I right in saying, if he wishes his beaver to be displayed in public, he will have to get someone to do it for him as he is not qualified. Is it that person who will be named on the exemption certificate. I have had some interesting experiences with a beaver, would you like me to try and fly yours?

thanks paul

i will cross that beaver when we get to it, but yes i will nominate you and dave Johnson as he has flown it before, i understand i require 2 named pilots
Richard "the rocket" Armstrong

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paul needham
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Re: flapservos

Postby paul needham » January 30th, 2015, 5:39 pm

Bob Thompson1894 wrote:Interesting experiences with a beaver? Thats what married life does to you, Paul.

:D :oops:

richard armstrong
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Re: flapservos

Postby richard armstrong » January 30th, 2015, 6:19 pm

paints arrived, all i need now is a paint gun that next week
Richard "the rocket" Armstrong

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Denis Brown
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Re: flapservos

Postby Denis Brown » January 31st, 2015, 12:12 pm

Have heard that flying the Beaver is not too easy. Perhaps Mr Johnson could comment.

Think there could be a few hairy moments ahead :evil:

richard armstrong
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Re: flapservos

Postby richard armstrong » January 31st, 2015, 12:28 pm

i am cheating i am putting in a flight stabilizer unit ??????

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Richard "the rocket" Armstrong

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Rob Buckley
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Re: flapservos

Postby Rob Buckley » January 31st, 2015, 12:30 pm

Only if you get caught!
LMA Secretary - I've got a reasonable idea where you live!

Bob Thompson1894
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Re: flapservos

Postby Bob Thompson1894 » January 31st, 2015, 12:52 pm

Denis Brown wrote:Have heard that flying the Beaver is not too easy. Perhaps Mr Johnson could comment.

Think there could be a few hairy moments ahead :evil:
Keeping it well lubricated is the thing. (unless you like close shaves)

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