Postby Craig Green » February 10th, 2015, 7:58 pm
Thanks Chris, it is coming along.
I was wondering how you did your servo's in the tail. I am thinking the elevator servos in the stab, lots of room and a belcrank system for the rudders.
I also noticed from your thread you have beefed up the verticle fins for strength. Is this common prcatice as it is not shown on the plans. Did you glue them onto the horizontal stab or are they removeable.
Last question, lol, what are you using for a tailwheel bracket, and how is it secured to the bottom wing fuse piece?
I will no doubt have several questions as I go, just hope you dont mind.
Feel free to put pictures on the thread, so we all can see how you did things.
Thanks for posting, and appreciate your input.