t180 build FG Cowling

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richard armstrong
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t180 build FG Cowling

Postby richard armstrong » March 3rd, 2015, 12:21 am

Hi all

need some advice got the FG cowling for the T180, i am fitting a electric motor,
if i fit the motor direct to firewall i am 2 1/4" short of prop drive

the option are

cut cowling back 2", for protrusion

add a block of wood til prop drive is out of cowl

make a long metal bracket and mount the motor

advice please on best solution
Richard "the rocket" Armstrong

"Fly me to the moon" then crash and burn BABY!

John Greenfield
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Re: t180 build FG Cowling

Postby John Greenfield » March 3rd, 2015, 7:31 am

Move the motor forward to align with the front of the cowl. with the light weight of a typical electric motor you need to get the weight as far forward as possible.


richard armstrong
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Re: t180 build FG Cowling

Postby richard armstrong » March 3rd, 2015, 8:42 am

thanks john

would you use a block of pine to extended or make a aluminium bracket, using 2 - 3mm standard flat ali be ok ?

time to get some card board out and make a mock up
Richard "the rocket" Armstrong

"Fly me to the moon" then crash and burn BABY!

Bob Thompson1894
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Re: t180 build FG Cowling

Postby Bob Thompson1894 » March 3rd, 2015, 11:43 am

Plywood is the answer. A block of pine will split. Just make a box out of 1/4 ply and epoxy together and to the firewall. 21/4" is a lot to pack out or make standoffs. Drill some holes through the joints and epoxy some thin dowels though the joints for strength.

richard armstrong
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Re: t180 build FG Cowling

Postby richard armstrong » March 3rd, 2015, 12:17 pm

thanks bob

just gave a light bulb moment

i have a metal lathe, Stand off why the hell did i not think of that, DOH!

using part wood part ali stand-offs will do the trick and give me a bit more nose weight as well

thanks bob you are a star
Richard "the rocket" Armstrong

"Fly me to the moon" then crash and burn BABY!

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paul needham
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Re: t180 build FG Cowling

Postby paul needham » March 4th, 2015, 1:59 am

Richard, just make a plywood box like Bob says, keep it simple rather than useing part wood and part ali stand offs.

richard armstrong
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Re: t180 build FG Cowling

Postby richard armstrong » March 4th, 2015, 9:20 am

thanks paul

box is being been made up using a mates cnc router. i ditch the stand off as the impractical after i mocked it out with cardboard
Richard "the rocket" Armstrong

"Fly me to the moon" then crash and burn BABY!

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