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Mike Ellis
Posts: 229
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Postby Mike Ellis » July 5th, 2017, 3:26 pm

I have just bought one of these and have attepted to understand how to programme it. After 4 hours trying i have managed to get my name on the screen with the help of the book supplied !
I have searched utube and google for a book pr instructional video that talks in english and in a slow manner to actually SHOW how things are done as the manual is lets say as clear as mud!!
How one programmes switches for dual rates / reciever types etc is another mystery thats well hidden!!
Is it me, because why do they make things so bloody difficult lol. I thought Spektrum was a bit hard to work , but I congradulate Futaba in making the most difficult transmitter to programme that I have ever seen.
If any kind genius on here has worked it out , I will happily PAY them to teach me !!

Mike Ellis
Posts: 229
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Re: Futaba14sg

Postby Mike Ellis » July 5th, 2017, 5:17 pm

Yes Alan !!
I have seen that BUT its a kindle download only !! What do you do if you dont have a kindle ??? The hardback or softback os NOT avaliable as i,ve searched high and low for it !!
Still of you know how its done then step right up !!
Cash talks dont it !!!

Robin Woodhead
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Re: Futaba14sg

Postby Robin Woodhead » July 5th, 2017, 7:46 pm


Have you got a tablet?
If so you just load the Kindle software then download the book.

I have a iPad and I have a number of Kindle books on it no problem!!

good luck,


Mike Ellis
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Re: Futaba14sg

Postby Mike Ellis » July 5th, 2017, 7:55 pm

Thanks Robin I will give that a try. By the look of it nobody on here will own up to knowing how to program one either lol so perhaps im not on my own !!

Alan Cantwell 1131
Posts: 1678
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Re: Futaba14sg

Postby Alan Cantwell 1131 » July 5th, 2017, 8:03 pm

As Robin, i download to my ipad, no problem,

Mike Ellis
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Re: Futaba14sg

Postby Mike Ellis » July 5th, 2017, 8:17 pm

Ah we'll nothing's easy is it !! I have to update my iPad to version 9 to get it lol but in doing that it will mess up all my backing tracks I've made . I know that,as a friend of mine did it on his and his backing tracks were severely destroyed !!

Will talk to my wife nicely and try her iPad !!

Alan Cantwell 1131
Posts: 1678
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Re: Futaba14sg

Postby Alan Cantwell 1131 » July 5th, 2017, 8:25 pm

Can you not use cloud storage? Thats what its used for

Mike Ellis
Posts: 229
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Re: Futaba14sg

Postby Mike Ellis » July 5th, 2017, 8:34 pm

Alan , I haven't got a clue as to what it is or how I access it !, I do have cloud storage apparently but how I access it to see what's there I have not the foggiest !, nor do anyone else I know , we just shrug our shoulders when we talk about it. It's something we all have with iPhones but that's it . Where is it? How do we access it ? Nobody I know has the faintest idea !

Alan Cantwell 1131
Posts: 1678
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Re: Futaba14sg

Postby Alan Cantwell 1131 » July 5th, 2017, 9:02 pm

Go to settings, right at the top should be icloud, there are 4 headings with small coloured squares, click on whatever apertains to your needs, and transfer files, i lost 3 years of pictures of family and holidays when my ipad corpsed, if i had uploaded to cloud, all would have been well,

Mike Ellis
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Re: Futaba14sg

Postby Mike Ellis » July 5th, 2017, 9:37 pm

Clicked on settings, iCloud is halfway down the page. Clicked on that and all sorts of headings in there like mail,photos, etc etc. but only pics opens up when i click it,but theres NOTHING in there ! As I said haven't a clue why it's there at all. How do I send things to iCloud? There's no instructions ! Apparently I have 50gig of storage with 44 gig free , but still can't see a single document in iCloud !
Am I just plain thick or what ? If there ain't nout there it's a complete waste of space isn't it lol as I said nobody I know has a clue of how it works either, it's a complete mystery !

Nigel Cox
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Re: Futaba14sg

Postby Nigel Cox » July 5th, 2017, 10:38 pm

I don't know if it's anything like trying to program a Tarranis , it also comes with no real manual to fall back on, mine came very close to being launched out of the window many times, even the multitude of youtube videos didn't help, eventually after a few weeks of trial n error and using the PC interface cable I've got it to do almost what I wanted it to do, but nowhere as easy as my old Futaba 9ZAP WCII

Alan Cantwell 1131
Posts: 1678
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Re: Futaba14sg

Postby Alan Cantwell 1131 » July 6th, 2017, 6:20 am

You have to transfer files Mike, plenty of tutorial vids out there, yours is prob an earlier one than mine, stuff should be hacked up to cloud anyway, i found that out the hard way!

Mike Ellis
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Re: Futaba14sg

Postby Mike Ellis » July 6th, 2017, 10:58 am

Ok Alan
However back to the 14sg !!! I have downloaded the book pn my wofes kindle snd am now perusing it.
I still consider that someone who knows how this thing works could instruct better than words in a book as the 35% of which i have now read is still mostly gobbldegook lol
Someone who can say" to assign a switch or add dual rates or similar, then click this, press that and its done" is far more useful than reading War and Peace to get to the same result !
My genuine offer is still open to Einstein or whoever on here understands how its done

Alan Cantwell 1131
Posts: 1678
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Re: Futaba14sg

Postby Alan Cantwell 1131 » July 6th, 2017, 4:03 pm

Google utube programming the futaba 14sg, heres an example. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aiBV1GGRJe8

Mike Ellis
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Re: Futaba14sg

Postby Mike Ellis » July 6th, 2017, 4:34 pm

Yes i,ve watched that ! Thats the guy with the bionic finger and thumb that moves 10 times a second lol
He programmes the tranny while im still trying to work out exactly how he gets to first screen !!
WHY DONT THEY SLOW DOWN and SHOW how its done !!!

I spoke to ripmax futaba service centre today and they said it was a "friendly" tranny to operate !! BUT a pain on the**** to attatch switched etc for dual rates !
Still I had another 3 hours on it today and still never managed to set 4 models by name only into the favs menu let alone set ANY control surface for throws !!!
Then the men on the white coats rang me arrange to pick me up and take me away!!

Dave Lowe
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Re: Futaba14sg

Postby Dave Lowe » July 6th, 2017, 10:09 pm

PM sent. Give me a ring Mike.

Mike Ellis
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Re: Futaba14sg

Postby Mike Ellis » July 6th, 2017, 10:28 pm

Dave, Dave, Oh no !!!! PMsPMs !!!!! I have no idea as to how or where to find them on this site as niether do most other members !!! Please please please send me an email on roadkingmick1945@aol.com. Or if you like please call me or message me on 07941024610. I will even call you if you let me have your number.
That way and ONLY that way will I then be able to speak to you. Its the 21st century , just please do it lol
PMs pn here belong on the dustbin!!!


Mike Ellis
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Re: Futaba14sg

Postby Mike Ellis » July 6th, 2017, 11:21 pm

Dave I away till monday but I will try and call you tomorrow, as surprise surprise !! some how I foumd your pm !!!!!


Alan Cantwell 1131
Posts: 1678
Joined: June 15th, 2009, 8:21 pm

Re: Futaba14sg

Postby Alan Cantwell 1131 » July 7th, 2017, 6:25 am

Theres hope yet,

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