]For the past month,i have been working on the jet front intakes and ducting thro the fuselage ,all this is now complete and basically rubbed into shape,the fuselage was then put to one side and both wings came back into the building shed to get to a decent strong stage to transport to the spring seminar at Bradford.I have concerns about damaging the balsa structure whilst transporting to Bradford---so i have been working on parts such as wingtips etc to make sure there is enough strength to manhandle into the van.The first stage was to put the wing tubes in the wings and lock together without the fuselage so i could level and lock the wingtip angles and washout before starting to sheet.The wing on the big delta has many awkward shapes with several wing curves and some sections of undercamber,and even tho the plans were very good,having my 10ft scale model made it much easier to compare the shapes etc---this new project is exactly double the 10ft wingspan model,and one of the pics shows the two wings together.
Once the wings had been locked in postion ,i spent two weeks sheeting the tops,and adding stringers underneath to lock everything in postion so they could be moved around in readiness for transporting to Bradford.The first wing had some sheeting added underneath so the leading edge could be added--the first pic shows this being glued on
- 2011-03-14_19.35.04glue lead edge.jpg (21.56 KiB) Viewed 13355 times
the next stage is to rub the edge into shape,and the next pic shows this and the amount of wood shavings on the floor just from this
- 2011-03-14_19.36.48shaving LEAD E.jpg (24.67 KiB) Viewed 13355 times
Once all this was rubbed down,it was time to take outside to give a general dust off,this gives an idea of how big each wing panel is,leaning against my modelling van
- 2011-03-16_16.15.50WING ON EDGE OUTSIDE.jpg (31.75 KiB) Viewed 13355 times
the final pic shows the new wing panel,with the 10 ft model wing leaning against it---i always thought this model looked big,so can just imagine what this one will look like in the air !!!
- 2011-03-16_16.17.54wing standing with 10ft.jpg (28.28 KiB) Viewed 13355 times