Have any of you ever heard of or used this company?
EMCOTEChttp://shop.rc-electronic.com/e-vendo.php?shop=k_emcotec_e&SessionId=&a=catalogThese guys started off making components for aircraft and then branched into RC planes. I have been talking with them for some time regarding their components for large electric models.
The product range they offer seems to cover everything needed electronics wise for large models. They have 'power boxes, servo matching etc, etc.
In the discussiions I have been having with them I have found them to be very technical and very knowledgeable, including discussing many aspects of my large electric plane design with me. The product that I have been discussing with them is a brilliant one that I have simply not been able to find anywhere else at all.
When using high power electric planes they are extemely dangerous when 'armed' but at stand-still with the prop not turning. Electric motors give their maximum torque at this point so if someone mistakenly gets in the way, not realising the motor is armed, then they will likely lose a body part

. The other issue with large electric is how they are 'armed' to make them live. The common practice is simply to connect up the final part of the battery circuit by plugging one of the battery connectors in. With 12 cell LiPo systems this connection often also makes a loud 'crack' and emmits a large spark!
EMCOTEC have developed a solid state switch for high power electrics. This means there are no moving parts and all the switching is done electronically (using FET's).
The switches can either be controlled from a spare channel on the transmitter (like having throttle hold for a heli) or by using a fail-safe magnetic switch. You can see this magnetic switch in the photo below. When the switch is in place, with the safety flag dangling then the power is off...

- SPS-60V-120-240A-A72010_b_0.GIF (49.15 KiB) Viewed 12914 times
The one shown in the photo above can handle 120amps continuously - and they really do mean continuously. This will take 240amps peak! I am fitting one of this size in my LMA Genesis.
EMCOTEC have just brought out an even bigger power switch. This one can handle 180amps continuously or 360amp peak. I am fitting 2 of these units in this half scale Spacewalker....

- spsxl3.jpg (36.62 KiB) Viewed 12914 times
This means that we will be able to fully arm the plane ready for take-off with all batteries fully connected to both motors, yet keep it in a safe condition. Then when we need to fly, just pull out the 2 magnetic plugs.
Has anyone seen this type of device before?