Spacewalker half scale 168" electric

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chris willis
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Re: Spacewalker half scale 168" electric

Postby chris willis » May 14th, 2012, 12:16 pm

Mike its ok its his hand :lol: :lol:

Andy Boylett
Posts: 445
Joined: October 18th, 2010, 8:09 am

Re: Spacewalker half scale 168" electric

Postby Andy Boylett » May 15th, 2012, 6:29 pm

Mike Booth wrote:Andy, is this really in good taste and viable forum content?

Hi Mike......I did break it a flying event :D .......and I did carry on with the flying until the evening and then went to the hospital !

Cheers, Andy

Andy Boylett
Posts: 445
Joined: October 18th, 2010, 8:09 am

Re: Spacewalker half scale 168" electric

Postby Andy Boylett » May 15th, 2012, 6:30 pm

chris willis wrote:Mike its ok its his hand :lol: :lol:

If it was anything else I might be able to fly still :(

Andy Boylett
Posts: 445
Joined: October 18th, 2010, 8:09 am

Re: Spacewalker half scale 168" electric

Postby Andy Boylett » July 7th, 2012, 9:44 pm

Building update: I am still not doing any.

When that pin in my finger (photo posted previously) was removed, it broke the end of my finger off again. Two weeks later I was taken back in to have a Titanium screw fitted inside my finger - although the titanium was an awful lot samller than that stuff Dave is using :D .

Anyway, some time later I fell again and stubbed that very same finger into a pile of scaffold tubing, which duly snapped the end off (complete with screw) again. I now have a cast on the finger and have given up any hope of finishing this plane this season as it will likely be another 8 weeks now before this cast can come off. I'll continue when I can again :( .

Paul Holt
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Re: Spacewalker half scale 168" electric

Postby Paul Holt » July 8th, 2012, 8:14 am

Bad news Andy. Mind you, in this weather you wouldn't get much flying in either.

Andy Boylett
Posts: 445
Joined: October 18th, 2010, 8:09 am

Re: Spacewalker half scale 168" electric

Postby Andy Boylett » August 2nd, 2012, 7:06 pm

Well Sam and me started building again today! My finger is better and we decided to ignore the other project in our back garden and get on with the Spacewalker. We are intending to bring the model to Elvington, although it won't be able to fly. Here is a photo of our other project, still all under ground...............
IMG_3732small.jpg (54.05 KiB) Viewed 14365 times

The Spacewalker is half in that garage that is hard to get in to and half in the shed below that is impossible to get into.....
Top right in this picture (with scaffold round it)....
IMG_3667small.JPG (57.14 KiB) Viewed 14365 times

Top middle in this one (with the scaffold around it)...
IMG_3705small.JPG (65.5 KiB) Viewed 14365 times

Andy Boylett
Posts: 445
Joined: October 18th, 2010, 8:09 am

Re: Spacewalker half scale 168" electric

Postby Andy Boylett » August 5th, 2012, 10:23 pm

Sam and myself have now split tasks to get the plane finished for Elvington. Sam is fitting all the servos and linkages and I am doing the cowl, prop, spinner and other bits.
Here's Sam trying to work out how to get 4 servos into there to control the elevators.....
IMG_3748small.JPG (34.57 KiB) Viewed 14282 times

I have been continuing cowl building. I had previously made a foam blank and glassed it. I then spent the next year sanding it smooth, before removing the blue foam. The foam actually came out quite easilly due to a little tip I was told - completely cover the blue foam in brown wraping tape before glassing. The foam just pulled out in chunks....
IMG_3745small.JPG (58.09 KiB) Viewed 14282 times

Today I glassed the inside of the cowl to give it the right strength and built in a lite ply piece in one side ready for cutting an access door to get at batteries....
IMG_3746small.JPG (52.21 KiB) Viewed 14282 times

The inseret was weigthed down to get a good bond....
IMG_3747small.JPG (47.57 KiB) Viewed 14282 times

And while Sam and me were working in the garage, this was the view outside!!...
IMG_3751small.JPG (34.45 KiB) Viewed 14282 times

Andy Boylett
Posts: 445
Joined: October 18th, 2010, 8:09 am

Re: Spacewalker half scale 168" electric

Postby Andy Boylett » August 7th, 2012, 12:23 pm

Cowl nearly done......
IMG_3752small.JPG (35.52 KiB) Viewed 14199 times

IMG_3753small.JPG (21.12 KiB) Viewed 14199 times

The access door is because we have half the flight batteries stored in a compartment underneath the motor. It also provides good access to the speed controller switches....

IMG_3755small.JPG (29.68 KiB) Viewed 14199 times

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Re: Spacewalker half scale 168" electric

Postby DAVE JOHNSON » August 7th, 2012, 1:34 pm

Hi Andy---looking good---the TV company you arranged has just been in touch with me---they want to come and film some of the large models flying Friday,plus interview a few of the owners---see you there---DAVE

Andy Boylett
Posts: 445
Joined: October 18th, 2010, 8:09 am

Re: Spacewalker half scale 168" electric

Postby Andy Boylett » August 8th, 2012, 9:26 am

Excellent. They told me they were aiming to arrive about 10.00am. Will you have the Vulcan I have told them all about? Cheers, Andy

Andy Boylett
Posts: 445
Joined: October 18th, 2010, 8:09 am

Re: Spacewalker half scale 168" electric

Postby Andy Boylett » August 8th, 2012, 8:27 pm

Latest build pictures...

Sam has completed all the servo installations and the linkages. There are 4 servos here, 2 driving each elevator half. Each pair runs on a different receiver. All the linkaged solid ally clevisess use M3 rod end ball joints and machine.....
IMG_3760small.JPG (31.67 KiB) Viewed 14109 times

This is how he has done the linkages, with carbon rod and M3 rod end ball joints......
IMG_3758small.JPG (25.64 KiB) Viewed 14109 times

The rudder linkages have been done with M4 rod end ball joints and M4 threaded rod. This has enabled us to put a small bracket on the rod, with a couple of nuts to hold it in place. This bracket drives the tail-wheel and can be adjusted to anywhere along the length, thus allowing us to vary the tension.......
IMG_3757small.JPG (37.8 KiB) Viewed 14109 times

Ted Oram
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Re: Spacewalker half scale 168" electric

Postby Ted Oram » August 9th, 2012, 8:31 am

Hi Andy.......have been following your build from the beginning....I am puzzled again by your deviation from this size I thought a tailwheel set up
somewhat similar to the full size would have been preferable to what you have done here........sorry to be critical, but the larger models lend themselves so much better to duplicate the full size practice
rather than simply use ARF setups to make things easy.


Andy Boylett
Posts: 445
Joined: October 18th, 2010, 8:09 am

Re: Spacewalker half scale 168" electric

Postby Andy Boylett » August 9th, 2012, 11:58 am

Hi Ted,
You are absolutely right of course. We have not really completed the plane and there is no interior, screens, dummy engines etc. We have been trying to get it in a "rolling" taxiable state because we have Channel 4 TV comming to film us at Elvington. I am doing a self-build house and it is being filmed for a new Channel 4 series next year. They are following my exploits over the year and want to come and see what we do in our spare time. The plane will not be able to fly this year but we are intending to have it ready for early next year. Also, If we have time over the winter we will complete the remaining scale details.
Thank you for your comments.
Regards, Andy

ps. the actual tailwheel we have used at the moment is one of those el-cheapo foam things because we didn't have one of the right size!

Andy Boylett
Posts: 445
Joined: October 18th, 2010, 8:09 am

Re: Spacewalker half scale 168" electric

Postby Andy Boylett » August 22nd, 2012, 10:16 pm

We finally managed to get all the peices across our building site and took the Spacewalker to Elvington. We assembled it at the show and this was the first time all the electronics had been together. Sam spent some time setting everything up and then we managed to do some taxiing tests. Here are our two Spacewalkers together........................
IMG_3779 small.JPG
IMG_3779 small.JPG (56.84 KiB) Viewed 13935 times

Seamus O'Donnell
Posts: 18
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Re: Spacewalker half scale 168" electric

Postby Seamus O'Donnell » November 13th, 2012, 8:07 pm

Looks great where did you get your half scale pilot?

Nick Reeves 3055
Posts: 149
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Re: Spacewalker half scale 168" electric

Postby Nick Reeves 3055 » April 6th, 2015, 9:49 am

did the spacewalker ever fly?? i saw it static at elvington a couple of years ago but not heard of it since
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