AJ Slick 103" wing span

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AJ Slick 103" wing span

Postby Davelucas » October 6th, 2022, 7:10 am

Here is a complete Andrew Jesky Slick less Rx and Batteries . The engine is a GP123 with MTW Cans and headers turning a Falcon 25x12 three blade prop . Engine cooling enhanced by 3D printed baffles. The servos are Savox 1270`s all round with 2 on the rudder , 2 on each Aileron , 1 on each elevator and Throttle . All linkages fitted . You just need to fit Receiver and Batteries !This was only flown in IMAC sequences and never flown for 3D flying . More pictures can be sent to serious buyer(s). This can be taken to Gaydon on October 23rd . £1800.00
AJ Slick.jpg
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