Geoff Wynn

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John Greenfield
Posts: 431
Joined: December 5th, 2008, 2:08 pm

Geoff Wynn

Postby John Greenfield » March 22nd, 2010, 4:29 pm

Geoff Wynn

It is with great sadness I have to report the loss of Geoff Wynn, who passed away on the 11th March 2010. Now although Geoff could not fly he certainly had a love of aircraft, all of the large variety. One big Norman Islander, a ¼ scale J3 Cub, a large B 25 and several 11 foot span Dakota DC3’s. It was with this model that Geoff was best known. He built his first DC3 from the Ziroli plan but unfortunately it was lost when a motor failed at an inopportune moment. Not to be put off Geoff built another which I had the pleasure of flying for him at shows for several years. I well remember when he was awarded best Model for his DC3 at Baldock a few years ago, he was extremely pleased that other people liked his DC3 and photos appeared in various magazines. Not one to rest on his Laurels Geoff started another DC 3 with more scale detail but unfortunately it now sits on his bench unfinished.
All those who know or met Geoff will remember that he was always saying sorry. This simple word summed up Geoff, a real gentleman who did not want to put anyone to any trouble. I recall him coming to me at a fly-in and saying sorry as he asked if I would fly his model for him. Anyone who new Geoff will remember him for the way he said it.
The Large Model Association has lost a very special person and he will be missed by all who new him and whenever I hear the word “sorry”, I will think of Geoff.

John Greenfield LMA No. 25

Vince Raia
Posts: 154
Joined: February 13th, 2009, 3:49 pm

Re: Geoff Wynn

Postby Vince Raia » March 25th, 2010, 10:52 am

So sorry to hear of Geoff's passing, a really nice chap who was an enthusiastic modeller, nice to chat to, and a pleasure to talk to a really nice down to earth (non big headed) guy, my condolences go out to his family, another sad loss to our hobby.

tony hooper
Posts: 33
Joined: December 5th, 2008, 8:12 am

Re: Geoff Wynn

Postby tony hooper » March 25th, 2010, 5:14 pm

Very sorry to hear about Geoff Wynn - it is a little sad that quite a few members will not have known Geoff as he was, as Vince described, a very shy, retiring sort of person who had no "airs or graces" but produced some wonderful models and he just enjoyed watching other people fly them.
As the responsible person for show bookings for many years I always knew that when Geoff's application came in his entry was something you could always rely upon whatever the weather might turn out to be.
If only we had more members like him in the LMA

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