13.54% Nimrod MRA4

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Mike altham
Posts: 367
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13.54% Nimrod MRA4

Postby Mike altham » January 10th, 2011, 9:29 am


I have been toying with the idea of a large model for a while now.

It started with me designing a 6 metre span scale A380. Which I got to drawing on CAD but gave up on the terms it was to expensive and big.

I got the bug again at the end of last year and as I was working on the Nimrod project I couldnt have been in a better position to make one as a scale model.

All the CAD design has been done which has took hours with changing things here and there with speaking to different people for advice.

Here are a few pics of the CAD drawings I have done. As we speak I am awaiting a quote for CNC cutting and getting the info together to send to Tony.

Will keep you updated as and when things happen. Its going to take a while to build due to other commitments.



Mike altham
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Re: 13.54% Nimrod MRA4

Postby Mike altham » January 10th, 2011, 9:33 am

Here are some pics to start with.

rod1a.jpg (29.76 KiB) Viewed 23414 times
rod2a.jpg (26.13 KiB) Viewed 23414 times
rod3a.jpg (20.24 KiB) Viewed 23414 times

Mike altham
Posts: 367
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Re: 13.54% Nimrod MRA4

Postby Mike altham » January 10th, 2011, 2:22 pm

Real one.
rodreal.jpg (23.6 KiB) Viewed 23376 times

Mike altham
Posts: 367
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Re: 13.54% Nimrod MRA4

Postby Mike altham » January 11th, 2011, 6:09 pm

The wing span is 17ft 2"

Estimated weight is around 140lbs

2 x 160 jet engines on inboard engines



Mike altham
Posts: 367
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Re: 13.54% Nimrod MRA4

Postby Mike altham » January 13th, 2011, 9:24 am

Here is a picture of all the sheets of ply etc that the kits will be cut on.

rod 5.jpg
rod 5.jpg (33.29 KiB) Viewed 23189 times

Paul Holt
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Re: 13.54% Nimrod MRA4

Postby Paul Holt » January 13th, 2011, 10:00 pm

this is one model i would look forward to see!!

Vince Raia
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Re: 13.54% Nimrod MRA4

Postby Vince Raia » January 17th, 2011, 10:05 am

Nice project Mike, lovely to see some of these classic jets modelled, will look forward to seeing this thread progress.

Mike altham
Posts: 367
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Re: 13.54% Nimrod MRA4

Postby Mike altham » January 17th, 2011, 12:08 pm


It will be the only MRA4 flying. As all the full size ones I work on are currently getting cut up.



Mike altham
Posts: 367
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Re: 13.54% Nimrod MRA4

Postby Mike altham » January 25th, 2011, 3:22 pm

Here is a pic of the nose gear.

Currently making the steering servo mount

nimrod UC.jpg
nimrod UC.jpg (25.72 KiB) Viewed 22876 times

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Re: 13.54% Nimrod MRA4

Postby Robert_Greenwood » January 25th, 2011, 10:17 pm

Very Nice!! what software are you using to do your CAD plans?


See the Vulcan www.modelvulcan.co.uk
Also see the Lancaster www.modellancaster.co.uk

Mike altham
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Re: 13.54% Nimrod MRA4

Postby Mike altham » January 25th, 2011, 10:59 pm


I am using autodesk mechanical desktop 4


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Re: 13.54% Nimrod MRA4

Postby AndyHopwood » February 4th, 2011, 6:29 pm

autodesk software mm nice may I ask what size are the plywood sheet etc it is 8ft by 4ft or what ?? and what kind of ply is it ? this will be a nice plane to see reason I ask what size the plywood are so i may try design one myself and then sent the plans to slec or richards to cnc cut etc for different model etc regards

Andy Boylett
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Re: 13.54% Nimrod MRA4

Postby Andy Boylett » February 4th, 2011, 10:07 pm

AndyHopwood wrote:autodesk software mm nice may I ask what size are the plywood sheet etc it is 8ft by 4ft or what ?? and what kind of ply is it ? this will be a nice plane to see reason I ask what size the plywood are so i may try design one myself and then sent the plans to slec or richards to cnc cut etc for different model etc regards

Andy, be careful with sheet sizes as the wood size depends on which supplier you go to. I use Slec and they have different sizing depending on whether lazer or routed. Ian Hull at Slec is very helpful and I did all the drawings for my Spacewalker in autocad and then emailed them to Ian for cutting. You have to understand the format required for the cutting machine as well. For Ian's set-up each piece to be cut needs to be converted into a single 'polygon' in autocad first (this sort of makes sense because it means the cutting machine has a single line to follow). Of course, the more work you can do your-self, the less left for the wood supplier to do! Anyway, Ian asked me just to set up all my pieces ready in autocad and then he arranged them himself into sheets depending on how he wanted to fit them to the wood sizes.

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Re: 13.54% Nimrod MRA4

Postby AndyHopwood » February 5th, 2011, 9:20 am

Hi thanks for the tip. So we can draw all the formers root tips etc and at Alec they reorganise it to fit the sheet of thier choice. Mm. What do slec charge ? For this service ? I got an idea for a plane which I don't think has been made as rc model. It is an Russian plane. So I will keep close eye on your progress I still cannot believe it. Nimrods scrapped as well harriers. Good job fir us model aviators keeps them flying !! Good on u man

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Neil Hutchinson
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Re: 13.54% Nimrod MRA4

Postby Neil Hutchinson » February 5th, 2011, 8:58 pm

Hi All,

Thought a few pictures & maybe a prospective colour scheme.


Pictures were taken at RAF Waddington 24/01/11

Neil's Flickr Page
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All pictures are available as large prints or canvas

Mike altham
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Re: 13.54% Nimrod MRA4

Postby Mike altham » February 6th, 2011, 12:15 pm

Hi guys

I have 3 sheets of 6 mm birch ply 8' by 4'. 4 sheets of 3 mm liteply 8' by 4'. 2 sheets of 6 mm lite ply 8' by 4'.
2 sheets of 3 mm birch ply 5' by 4'

Then 3 a4 size sheets of tufnol for the built in horns

4 x 6' lengths of Cyparis for the outer wing spars 12 mm square

120 lengths of 6 mm sq balsa

200 sheets of 1/8 balsa

We only have 3 nimrod mra4 airframes left now. Taken years to build and they cut the whole thing up within 40 minutes.

Bad thing is we are getting made redundant because of it.

Nice scheme but that is of the MR2 airframe R1 aircraft. The only three nimrods left flying until they are pulled from service this year.

The MRA4 I am doing has a different wing on it larger engines etc. Larger finlets.

Paul Holt
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Re: 13.54% Nimrod MRA4

Postby Paul Holt » February 6th, 2011, 1:00 pm

Excellent photos, shows th eNimrod at her best. Can't wait to see this model!

Mike altham
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Re: 13.54% Nimrod MRA4

Postby Mike altham » February 11th, 2011, 10:42 pm

Picked it up today from slec.

Awsome job of cnc routing they did. I highly recommend them.

Here are a few pics

Been picking out parts for 4 hours and still got 5 sheets to go.


Mike altham
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Re: 13.54% Nimrod MRA4

Postby Mike altham » February 12th, 2011, 8:35 pm


Pics will come later

After 10 hours all the parts are cut out. All 974 of them.

Awaiting a delivery of glue frm deluxe materials.

Getting all the gear together before commencing.


Paul Holt
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Re: 13.54% Nimrod MRA4

Postby Paul Holt » February 13th, 2011, 11:17 am

Any photos of the parts??

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