Hi folks,
I'm using a DSX9 mkII and an AR9000 and am trying to program a custom failsafe mode, but can't get it to do anything else than shut the throttle and hold on all other channels.
What I want to achieve is this. Throttle to zero and Aux2 to zero (it is on a permanent mix from the throttle) all other channels can hold.
The reason being, I have a quad engined plane, with two motors running off the throttle channel on a y-lead and two off the Aux2 channel, running on a mix from the throttle. The issue being that when I test the failsafe, the motors on Aux2 stay at the power they were set at, which is not good enough.
I have RTFM, which states a transmitter setting to do this, but I have discovered this no longer exists on the 2.4ghz units, it's just been left in the manual, useful aye? An online search states to start the binding process as normal, but remove the binding plug once the LED's are flashing before switching on the Tx, but before I try this, has anyone else done it? Don't fancy trying something not in the manual until I know it's safe.