I've spent a lot of time re-drawing and making the side cheek formers so that the stringers are nice and straight and that the whole thing captures the lightweight structure of the real thing.
1/8 ply formers were fretted out and Obechi stringers added. Curved cap strips were then fitted between the stringers which was extremely tedious to do!
The rear fuselage stringers have been added complete with intermediate hoop supports and the locker area again, as per the real thing. I've also started to stain the structure but that's very fiddly too so is being done in easy stages. Still along way to go but it is looking more like an aeroplane. I hope to do a full assembly in the garden to help the inspiration!
- Cockpit.jpg (19.44 KiB) Viewed 19747 times
- Side Stringers.JPG (20.24 KiB) Viewed 19747 times
- Rear Fus.jpg (20.46 KiB) Viewed 19747 times
- Rear View.jpg (20.14 KiB) Viewed 19747 times
The rear gun mounting ring is being made in the same way as the fin and rudder - aluminium tube "soldered" together using Alutight from the chap at Cosford a year or so back. Gun mounting brackets have still to be added to the ring and a similar one for the front mounting has also to be made.
- Rear Gun Mtg Ring.jpg (8.41 KiB) Viewed 19747 times
Back in a while - but don't hold your breath!