At the mo' I am in the process of building an elarged Me 109e, and as there is no off-the shelf cowl available for my project, I am, at some point going to start the process om making my own.
First a few questions.
I have some large blue foam blocks that have to be joined, which would be the best adhesive to use? Ideally I would like to use one that IS NOT instant grab, so I can adjust, to ensure that both halfs are positioned correctly.
I am sure there are several ways to acheive my aim, but an option I am considering, is to mark the outline top/ bottom, and side to side, then cut/sand to the correct shape.Then glass for smooth finish.
Not too sure wether to go for plug and mold, or carve the foam from the inside once I've got a good finish.
I am entering unchartered territory here, so any advice/help would be greatly received .