Menz v Xoar Propellors on Sky 120

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Menz v Xoar Propellors on Sky 120

Postby RichardVaughanDavies » March 4th, 2013, 11:06 am

I'm building a Sky 120 and going to fit the recommended Zenoah 38 engine with a 18 x 10 prop.

Now, LHS (60 mile round trip), has the Xoar but not Menz, which is/was my first choice. What are your thoughts about the different brands?


Cary Bailey
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Re: Menz v Xoar Propellors on Sky 120

Postby Cary Bailey » March 4th, 2013, 12:21 pm

My preference is the Menz prop but I use the 19X10 prop on my 84" P51D


Re: Menz v Xoar Propellors on Sky 120

Postby DAVE BAILEY » March 4th, 2013, 4:26 pm

The chairman has been flying the sky 120 with a zenoah 38 for over 3 years now and it has a menz 20/8

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Re: Menz v Xoar Propellors on Sky 120

Postby Dave Parry » March 4th, 2013, 5:58 pm

Yep my 120 has the same size prop Menz 20x8 and it fly's a treat.

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Re: Menz v Xoar Propellors on Sky 120

Postby RichardVaughanDavies » March 5th, 2013, 1:43 am

That's about that then. :-) 20 x 10 Menz it shall be. I'll see if LHS can get one in.



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Neil Hutchinson
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Re: Menz v Xoar Propellors on Sky 120

Postby Neil Hutchinson » March 5th, 2013, 10:51 am


Why not e-mail Phil Clark at Fighteraces - he'll post one to you.

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Re: Menz v Xoar Propellors on Sky 120

Postby andywynn » March 5th, 2013, 11:06 am

Ditto what Neil said..

£11.25 for a 20 x 8 bargin !!!! :)

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Re: Menz v Xoar Propellors on Sky 120

Postby RichardVaughanDavies » March 5th, 2013, 11:33 am

I will admit, most of my stuff comes via the net, but every so (not very) often I get pangs of guilt and use the shop. I think it's the "Use it or Lose it" syndrome and there are bits I do need.

Anyway, with all those things in there that you didn't really know you wanted, who knows what you could come back with! :D

Jan Naaijkens
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Re: Menz v Xoar Propellors on Sky 120

Postby Jan Naaijkens » April 5th, 2013, 7:41 pm

the largest stock of Menz props find you at

Phil Clark
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Re: Menz v Xoar Propellors on Sky 120

Postby Phil Clark » April 5th, 2013, 11:17 pm

RichardVaughanDavies wrote:That's about that then. :-) 20 x 10 Menz it shall be. I'll see if LHS can get one in.



A 20 x 10 is too much for a 38.......that's a prop more commonly fitted to a 45 in a faster flying Warbird type.

20 x 8 is the choice for slower flying & sports models, a 19 x 10 if it's a faster flying or Warbird type.


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Re: Menz v Xoar Propellors on Sky 120

Postby RichardVaughanDavies » April 7th, 2013, 1:38 pm

Just re-read my last post. Doh! Typo, that should have been 20x8, not 20x10. Thanks Phil.

Still saving for my engine really, March and April are bad months for me re car tax, insurance and MoT on two cars. One of them is a "big boys toy" I'll admit, but it still needs doing. :-)


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