LMA Sky 120 Build

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Dave Parry
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Re: LMA Sky 120 Build

Postby Dave Parry » January 4th, 2010, 11:07 pm

Hello again, now I am getting to the bit I like, fitting the accessories, when I bought this kit I was surprised to find it has a accessory kit with it unlike the Genesis which I believe you have to buy extra wood just to finish it, not that I am knocking it, it’s just for the likes of me I need it all in the box.

Now this is my last day of freedom before I go back to the daily grind of having to make a living, so let’s get on with it, now if you are wondering why I haven’t had a pop at my misses, well I decided it would be my new year’s resolution to be nice to her ‘it won’t last but at least I have tried’ now I think you will agree Slec have done good accessory kit here.
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Everything is there that you need to finish the plane, right I am going to fit the undercarriage now it does show you on the plans it's fitted with self tapping screws but I know my landings (shut up Mr Johnson) so I have decided to uses the 25mm bolts that are for the engine mount and replace them later.
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So after marking out the precision I drilled 4 holes in the undercarriage I then place it on the fuz underside and making sure it was strength and marked the holes with a pencil
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I then removing the undercarriage and drilled the fuz, using the captive nuts I fitted the undercarriage to the plane, the other reason for doing it this way is so I can remove the undercarriage for transport
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Now moving on to the tail wheel, this is going to be a bit trickier; I work out how it went then assembled all the parts ready for gluing
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I made sure the brass tube was lined up in the grove before gluing it I then passed it though the tail and up alongside the fin making sure the 90° bend was facing out towards the rudder.
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Then I glued the other half of the tail skid on to seal it in.
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And there you have it for now. :geek:

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Dave Parry
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Re: LMA Sky 120 Build

Postby Dave Parry » January 9th, 2010, 3:50 pm

Hello again, well not much done today, weather was wall to wall sunshine, but the roads are deadly so I stayed in and annoyed the Wife instead, :twisted: when she finely had, had enough of me, :lol: I went into the shed for an hour, all I have done today is make sure it all fits together and made the tank hatch I have to say it’s looking pretty good now.
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See you soon.

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Jason Griffiths
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Re: LMA Sky 120 Build

Postby Jason Griffiths » January 10th, 2010, 12:08 am

Looking kool there 8-)
Thanks 8-)

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Dave Parry
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Re: LMA Sky 120 Build

Postby Dave Parry » January 10th, 2010, 9:32 am

Thanks Jason, how is your Spitfire coming on, you haven’t posted anything for a while?

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Re: LMA Sky 120 Build

Postby Dave Parry » January 10th, 2010, 8:21 pm

Okay this will be the last for a while, back to work in the morning its dark when I get home and everything I need to do now can only be done after it has all been sanded down so weekends only then, and I am hoping to go flying.

On the up side it is time to think about covering and colour I feel I will do it in solartex, it’s great covering and will take a nock or two although I was opposed to this covering at first I feel it make sense considering it will be ferried around the shows this season, so on with today, the fitting of the ailerons, again not a lot done although that how it feels, it's just these jobs are time consuming.
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So there you have it both ailerons rudder and elevators all hinged the same way but nothing glued I want to cover the areas first so I am not struggling cutting the covering out around the hinges.

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Jason Griffiths
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Re: LMA Sky 120 Build

Postby Jason Griffiths » January 10th, 2010, 10:07 pm

Dave Parry wrote:Thanks Jason, how is your Spitfire coming on, you haven’t posted anything for a while?

Hello Dave the Spitfire has been put on hold at mo iv been building a few gliders ;)
Thanks 8-)

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Re: LMA Sky 120 Build

Postby Dave Parry » January 10th, 2010, 11:21 pm

Hi Jason, thanks for the update, hope you get back on to it soon, I hope to build my own one day, this is my first build and even though it is a kit I have learnt so much from it, keep up the good work and I hope you put your build thread on here soon.

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Re: LMA Sky 120 Build

Postby Jason Griffiths » January 11th, 2010, 5:24 pm

Thanks Dave once you have a short break it's hard to get back into,but the gliders are coming on :D
Thanks 8-)

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Re: LMA Sky 120 Build

Postby Dave Parry » January 18th, 2010, 5:55 pm

Just a quick update, the plane is now ready for the covering to be started and after a few sleepless nights I have back tracked again from solartex and gone for profilm Tony reckons it will take about 8m to cover it, so I have ordered it from Steve Webb’s and hopefully I can get back on with the build ASAP. :geek:

Nick Reeves 3055
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Re: LMA Sky 120 Build

Postby Nick Reeves 3055 » February 6th, 2010, 1:48 pm

any more progress on the build dave??
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Re: LMA Sky 120 Build

Postby DAVE JOHNSON » February 6th, 2010, 5:40 pm

Nick--no doubt Dave will be on--he hasnt done much building lately--he has been designing tickets for the shows---including yours !!!!

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Re: LMA Sky 120 Build

Postby Nick Reeves 3055 » February 6th, 2010, 5:45 pm

hi dave,

at least he has his priorities in order ;) i didn't realise it have dave that was doing ours :D
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Dave Parry
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Re: LMA Sky 120 Build

Postby Dave Parry » February 6th, 2010, 7:27 pm

Hi Nick, Sorry I have no progress to report, Committee duties have took priority at the moment; I will be trying to get it covered for the Wigan Seminar so fingers crossed.

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Re: LMA Sky 120 Build

Postby Dave Parry » February 28th, 2010, 8:53 pm

Hi All, it has been a while since I last posted, I finally got rid of her in doors for a couple of hours, what with her banging on down my ear with decorating and my LMA duties which come before decorating any day, ‘don’t tell her I said that’ I needed a break, so finally got to retreat to the shed, ‘arrr heaven’ now time to start covering, I decided to buy Profilm this is a little more expensive but I feel it is worth it.

I have chosen to cover it all in white and add some colour later, tail and fin first I think followed by the fuz, I feel the pictures say the rest.
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That it must get back to the decorating before you know who gets home, :lol: I will be taking the Sky 120 to Wigan finish or not so hope to see some of you there, now where did I put that paint brush. :twisted:

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Re: LMA Sky 120 Build

Postby Dave Parry » March 14th, 2010, 11:49 pm

Right back to the build, just a little bit more progress, the start of the show season is slowing me down now, so what have I done, well, I decided to remove the engine, undercarriage, tail and fin in order to finish the covering off.

before I covered the top of the fuz I put the snakes in place for the close loop system.
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Once I’d finish covering I replaced the Tail, fin and undercarriage.
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Thats it for now, back soon I hope. :lol:

ian redshaw
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Re: LMA Sky 120 Build

Postby ian redshaw » March 15th, 2010, 9:20 am

Very neat and tidy job Dave, looks great!


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Re: LMA Sky 120 Build

Postby PHIL ATHERTON 2400 » March 15th, 2010, 7:34 pm

Hello Son noticed on the pic you didn't bother covering that wobbly bit on the fin......Catch you later ker..Rudderrrrs. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Jason Griffiths
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Re: LMA Sky 120 Build

Postby Jason Griffiths » March 19th, 2010, 7:52 pm

Looking good 8-)
Thanks 8-)

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Re: LMA Sky 120 Build

Postby Dave Parry » March 20th, 2010, 8:14 pm

Okay time to start gluing all the bit together starting with the Tail, once I made sure it was line up I glued it with epoxy then finished off with quadrant, I left the rear end open so I could do this on the inside.
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Once that was all done I then covered the tail wheel skid and glued it into place all that was left now was the fin and rudder, I did the same here once glued in place I then secured it with quadrant on the inside, when the glue was dry I sealed the rear and covered it.
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Last but not least I stuck the windows on that is supplied with the kit, it’s not looking to bad now don’t you think, Oh by the way, thanks Ian and Jason for your comments it’s the little thing that keep you going.
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Thats it for another day.

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Re: LMA Sky 120 Build

Postby Dave Parry » March 29th, 2010, 4:09 pm

Well am back again, I have to be honest I thought I would have had this build all done and dusted by now, but thing just seem to keep getting in the way of me finishing this model, the weather again was bad all weekend and yet I couldn’t get in the shed because I had to go and sort out and spring clean the caravan ready for East Kirkby.

Now I thought because I’m on holiday I would get a chance today but Oh No, the Dragon had other ideas didn’t she, life sucks sometimes, anyway, I managed to get the afternoon to myself only to find it is raining buckets so I can’t sand the wings down, ‘you couldn’t make this up could you’ so undeterred I went in the shed anyway, I just sat there looking at it, yes I know, sad isn’t it, about 20 minutes past when I suddenly had a thought I could make some deckles, yes that what I will do.

I usually do these things at the end but I am board and my other option is go back in door with the Dragon, no contest then, deckles it is.

And here they are hope you like them.
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I will get the wing done one day am sure. :lol: :lol:

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